Welcome to our Founding Family
The Sewing Lair Founding Family
Family & Friends Sponsorship
Set & Forget $10 per month or Annual Payment of $120
Family & Friends Benefits:
- Quarterly impact newsletter full of Sewing Lair news, achievements, community events and more
- Early access to registration for classes, workshops & events
- Complimentary entry into supporters only monthly draw to win $20 Sewing Lair voucher
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Business Sponsorship
Set & Forget $25 per week or Annual Payment of $1300
Business Benefits:
- All the Family & Friends Benefits PLUS
- Annual advertising spot in our e-newsletter
- Your logo permanently displayed to over 4000 monthly visitors on our website in our “Who Supports Us” section”
- Quarterly promotion to over 10,000 followers across our social media channels
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Corporate Sponsorship
Set & Forget $50 per week or Annual Payment of $2600
Corporate Benefits
- All the Family & Friends Benefits PLUS
- All the Business Benefits PLUS
- Your business logo displayed on our high visibility property located in Spanns Road Beenleigh (down from Poppy’s Chocolates near Holmview Train Station)
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The Sewing Lair Founding Family
The Sewing Lair opened in Beenleigh on 15th June 2020 and has quickly become a much loved creative and inclusive community space.
We are a registered charity operated entirely by volunteers, so not only is your donation tax deductible, it goes straight where it is needed.
Everyone who visits The Sewing Lair is a part of our creative family, and we invite you to join an important part of our village – The Sewing Lair Founding Family.
We have created different levels of sponsorship to suit you and are very grateful for your support!